Deep Cleaning Facial

deep cleanse for your face

What is a Deep Cleaning Facial?

The deep cleansing facial consists of expert extraction, as well as the application of our own acne products. This treatment is serious about battling blemishes! However, it is also extremely soothing, helping calm irritated and acne-afflicted skin. Say goodbye to breakouts!

Those that need a deep cleansing facial generally wield acne-prone or oily skin. For this reason, they seek out a more aggressive method for removing debris and dead skin cells from their pores. For anyone that notices a bumpy texture, or visible blackheads on their nose, they may want to enlist the deep cleansing facial in Miami.

Benefits of Deep Cleansing Facial

What is Extraction?


Results that last

Extraction is a process where a specialist removes blackheads and whiteheads from the skin. The first part of the procedure deep cleans and cleanses the skin. We utilize steam to help break down skin cells while loosening up debris. This makes the extraction process much easier.

After applying steam, we exfoliate the skin to easily remove any extracted material. Once we exfoliate, we tone the skin. This removes any leftover, oil, dirt, or leftover makeup.

The concluding phase is the extraction itself. This process takes approximately ten minutes. However, extraction duration heavily depends on how much acne a person has, or how they react to the procedure.